Money and Meaning

A Collection of Writings on Investing and Living with Cancer

Glass Half Full

4th Post in My Weekly Series on Living with Cancer.

It is possible to be happy living with cancer, or any other adversity, if one can view the proverbial glass as half full rather than half empty. There is no magical formula that teaches us how to do it. So, I am simply sharing two anecdotes as examples.

A Small Victory: The First Chemo Session

The thought of carrying a chemo pack home, connected to me by a long needle into my chest for 48 hours, initially filled me with dread. Yet, as I lay down that first night, a surprising sense of comfort washed over me when I realized the needle was so finely nestled into my body that I barely felt it. I could sleep comfortably.😌

I said “Thank You” to the geniuses that designed the device, and savored that small victory that day.🙏

Finding a Silver Lining

Just ten days after my stage 4 cancer diagnosis, I wrote down five reasons why my situation was “not so bad”. Among them was a rather unconventional thought – “I will not suffer old age.”

Looking for such a silver lining amongst dark clouds was a coping strategy for me. I was not trying to be dismissive or cavalier; I was just trying to look at a more complete picture.

Celebrating small victories and looking at the bigger picture have both helped me deal with my adversity. I invite you to try them if and when you face an adversity.